Did Aliens Built Pyramids?

Posted by Unknown on 4:25 pm with 1 comment

You know those big yellow stone structures in Egypt, Mexico? You always thought they were built by Egyptians for their Pharaohs?
You are wrong!

Here are the Evidences….

Winter Solstice - 

  This photograph is taken on the day of winter solstice from the entrance of the Great Pyramid. That structure in photo is Sphinx.

In this photo, you can see that the sun is tracing around the Sphinx’s head. In Actuality, Sun rises exactly at the left side of the base of the Sphinx’s head.
Had the Egyptians Done This? NO! It’s not a COINCIDENCE.
Ancient Egyptians didn’t know the exact length of year so that this event could occur only on Winter Solstice.
They were ALIENS!!! Who found the exact length of year, shortest day of year on our planet Earth. So they Built Sphinx & Pyramid accordingly.

Summer Solstice - 

This photograph is of great Pyramid of Giza and its neighbor, as seen from Sphinx on the evening of Summer Solstice.

As you can See, Sun is setting in the exact center of the 2 pyramids.
Ancient Egyptians didn’t know the day of summer solstice and exact year length.
Again, they were aliens who calculated our year length and longest day of year on our planet Earth. So they built the pyramids.

North Pole - 

Pyramids are lined up exactly with the Magnetic North Pole, a difference of only 16 minutes (1 Degree=60 Minutes).

Ancient Egyptians didn’t have the compass. They were ALIENS who built pyramids.

Pyramids Co-relate with Orion Belt - 

 Moreover, the three pyramids of Giza are very well aligned with 3 stars of Orion Belt both in position and in size.

Not only this, at the time that the pyramids were supposedly built (3000 BC), the stars of Orion Belt were not exactly at the correct angle to match up the pyramids.  Time at which the belt is exactly aligned with the pyramids is in fact 10,500 BC (when no civilized humans lived on Earth).
So who built pyramids, they were ALIENS!
Why will Egyptians align pyramids with Stars of Orion Belt. Who Gave Them Blueprints? They were ALIENS!

                             We Still Believe That Aliens Built The Pyramids

                                                    Article By-Bhuvan Sikand

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